Active Learning

Actively engage in timed test/quiz taking on what you’ve learned in school

Expert Teachers

Created by expert teachers with a combined experience of over 100 years!

Strategic Location

Conveniently located right here in The Bahamas on Grand Bahama Island.

24/hrs Access

Your paid subscription plan is always accessible from any smart phone, tablet, laptop or desktop.

About Our Bahamas Educationmix

Bahamas EducationMix was created by a team of expert teachers with combined experience of over 100 years. We are an online platform that allows students to learn by self-testing through the four core subjects (English Language, Mathematics, Science & Social Studies). Each subject is based on The Bahamas Curriculum and seeks to achieve higher test scores on both school-based and national exams as a student matriculates from primary to junior high school (Grades 1-9).

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